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Asylos’ COI Research Database


Below is a selection of research notes Asylos has completed since January 2014. Each research note refers to a specific case and request from a lawyer, and is not intended to be an exhaustive, stand-alone document. Notes are available either in English or in French.

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Firstly, choose if you want to search a specific country of research or a keyword in the title.

Secondly, please be aware that:

  • Countries of research must be searched in English.
  • Titles of the notes can be either in French or in English. Consequently, you should try your keyword in both languages.
Total Records Found: 740, showing 20 per page
TitleLanguageNote completed onReport (pdf)Country of research
Afghanistan: Psychiatric Treatment English 31/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Afghanistan
Sri Lanka: Victim of Trafficking and Domestic Violence English 22/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Sri Lanka
Nigeria: Yoruba convert to Christianity English 20/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Nigeria
Iraq and Bolivia: Persecution of Hizmet Followers English 16/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Iraq
Kosovo: Homophobie envers les familles des personnes LGBTI French 15/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Kosovo
Zimbabwe: Availability of Medication English 09/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Zimbabwe
Libya: The Revolutionary Committees 2009-2011 English 07/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Libya
Yemen: Clan Revenge and Houthi Rebels English 07/08/2020 Télécharger le PDF Yemen
Sierra Leone: LGBT English 30/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Sierra Leone
Mauritius: Treatment of LGBT people English 27/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Mauritius
Burkina Faso: Teachers’ unions English 15/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Burkina Faso
Colombia: Scope of action of dissident ex-FARC members regarding the law enforcement, informants and family members of their enemies after the signature of the peace accords English 15/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Colombia
Eritrea: Document Verification English 14/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Eritrea
Guinea: Retaliation Against Political Opponents English 14/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Treatment of Political Opponents English 01/07/2020 Télécharger le PDF Congo (Democratic Republic Of The)
China: Persecution of Disability Rights Campaigners English 30/06/2020 Télécharger le PDF China
El Salvador: Treatment on the basis of political party affiliation English 19/06/2020 Télécharger le PDF El Salvador
Honduras: Threats Toward Witnesses by Barrio 18 Family Members English 17/06/2020 Télécharger le PDF Honduras
Bangladesh : Risk on Return of Convert to Baha’i English 14/06/2020 Télécharger le PDF Bangladesh
Sierra Leone: The Kamajors, Score-Settling, and Psychiatric Treatment English 10/06/2020 Télécharger le PDF Sierra Leone