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Asylos’ COI Research Database


Below is a selection of research notes Asylos has completed since January 2014. Each research note refers to a specific case and request from a lawyer, and is not intended to be an exhaustive, stand-alone document. Notes are available either in English or in French.

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Firstly, choose if you want to search a specific country of research or a keyword in the title.

Secondly, please be aware that:

  • Countries of research must be searched in English.
  • Titles of the notes can be either in French or in English. Consequently, you should try your keyword in both languages.
Total Records Found: 731, showing 20 per page
TitleLanguageNote completed onReport (pdf)Country of research
Sénégal: Retour au Sénégal risqué pour des personnes identifiées comme homosexuelles French 07/09/2017 Télécharger le PDF Senegal
Maroc: Disponibilité des services médicaux French 07/09/2017 Télécharger le PDF Morocco
Iraq: consequences of extramarital relationship in Northern Iraq English 06/09/2017 Télécharger le PDF Iraq
Soudan: situation sécuritaire au Darfour: ethnies Fur, Massalit, et Zaghawa French 02/09/2017 Télécharger le PDF Sudan
Soudan: violences et expropriations par les milices Janjawid French 01/09/2017 Télécharger le PDF Sudan
Afghanistan: Joint report on "Westernised young males returnees" English 31/08/2017 Télécharger le PDF Afghanistan
DRC: Accès aux soins (polymyosite et diabète) French 24/08/2017 Télécharger le PDF Congo (Democratic Republic Of The)
Nigeria: Domestic Violence and FGM English 22/08/2017 Télécharger le PDF Nigeria
Cameroon: Accessibility of healthcare in English-speaking area English 15/08/2017 Télécharger le PDF Cameroon
Pakistan: access to antiretrovirals English 31/07/2017 Télécharger le PDF Pakistan
Sudan - The non arab tribes who have joined the Sudanese government English 23/07/2017 Télécharger le PDF Sudan
Guinea: Forced marriages French 13/07/2017 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Guinea: Treatment of PTSD French 11/07/2017 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Ukraine: Pravy Sektor French 07/07/2017 Télécharger le PDF Ukraine
Georgie: Marriages mixtes French 30/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Georgia
Guinea: Treatment of hepatitis and TBC English 30/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Iran: Prosecution for smuggling contraband and treatment of Kurds in courts and prisons English 27/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Iran
Russia and Armenia: Access to Psychiatric Treatment English 14/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Armenia
Nigeria: Réseaux de trafic d’êtres humains employant des « mules » en Europe French 14/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Nigeria
Georgie: Système medical French 07/06/2017 Télécharger le PDF Georgia