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Asylos’ COI Research Database


Below is a selection of research notes Asylos has completed since January 2014. Each research note refers to a specific case and request from a lawyer, and is not intended to be an exhaustive, stand-alone document. Notes are available either in English or in French.

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Firstly, choose if you want to search a specific country of research or a keyword in the title.

Secondly, please be aware that:

  • Countries of research must be searched in English.
  • Titles of the notes can be either in French or in English. Consequently, you should try your keyword in both languages.
Total Records Found: 731, showing 20 per page
TitleLanguageNote completed onReport (pdf)Country of research
Sierra Leone: The prevalence of FGM amongst adult women English 01/09/2015 Télécharger le PDF Sierra Leone
Albania: The political situation in the late 1990s, current prospects for children and socio-economic opportunities (case of deportation appeal) English 01/08/2015 Télécharger le PDF Albania
Russia: Access to cancer treatment facilities in Ulan Ude and in the Republic of Buryatia English 01/08/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Algeria: le terrorisme dans la région d'Oran French 01/08/2015 Télécharger le PDF Algeria
Rwanda: Information sur la police rwandaise French 01/08/2015 Télécharger le PDF Rwanda
Russia: Les minorités dans la région de Stavropol French 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Russia: Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder English 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Ukraine: Treatment of the Armenian minority French 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Ukraine
Ethiopia: FGM French 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Ethiopia
Pakistan: Situation of Pakistani police officers English 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Pakistan
Guinea: Medical treatment for patients with kidney failure French 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Guinea: Pratiques de corruption au sein de la police guinéennes French 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Senegal: Use of torture on soldiers who either are accused of criminal acts or who have deserted the army English 01/07/2015 Télécharger le PDF Senegal
Kosovo: Traitements des personnes souffrant de troubles psychiatriques French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Kosovo
Russia: Indemnisations des biens immobiliers détruits pendant les guerres russo-tchétchènes French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Russia: La situation des LGBT en Russie et en Tchétchénie French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Italy: Access to HIV treatment English 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Italy
Guinea: Situation des personnes ayant travaillé sous les ordres d'une personne liée à l'assassinat de Dadis Camara French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Guinea
Ivory Coast: Existence de l’association La voix des sans voix et traitement des militants associatifs sous Laurent Gbagbo et Alassane Ouattara French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast: liens entre autorités administratives et chefferies French 01/06/2015 Télécharger le PDF Ivory Coast