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Asylos’ COI Research Database


Below is a selection of research notes Asylos has completed since January 2014. Each research note refers to a specific case and request from a lawyer, and is not intended to be an exhaustive, stand-alone document. Notes are available either in English or in French.

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  • Countries of research must be searched in English.
  • Titles of the notes can be either in French or in English. Consequently, you should try your keyword in both languages.
Total Records Found: 731, showing 20 per page
TitleLanguageNote completed onReport (pdf)Country of research
Russia: Le traitement du VIH-SIDA en république de Tchétchénie French 01/02/2015 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Congo: Situation of soldiers who deserted after the fall of president Lissouba French 01/02/2015 Télécharger le PDF Congo (Republic Of The)
Nigeria: Accusations of witchcraft French 01/02/2015 Télécharger le PDF Nigeria
Nigeria: Situation des béroms chrétiens à Jos French 01/02/2015 Télécharger le PDF Nigeria
Senegal: Domestic violence and FGM French 01/02/2015 Télécharger le PDF Senegal
Georgia: L'opposition politique et la corruption French 01/01/2015 Télécharger le PDF Georgia
DRC: Perception of former Ninjas militia members French 01/01/2015 Télécharger le PDF Congo (Democratic Republic Of The)
Russia: Paternity for children born outside civil marriage French 01/12/2014 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Russia: Traitement du VIH/SIDA French 01/12/2014 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Ukraine: Les risques liés à l'appartenance à un parti politique d'opposition French 01/12/2014 Télécharger le PDF Ukraine
Mali: Enrollement of youg men by Jihadists in the region of Kayes French 01/12/2014 Télécharger le PDF Mali
Djibouti: Le respect des droits de l'opposition en période électorale French 01/11/2014 Télécharger le PDF Djibouti
Afghanistan: The consequences of relationship outside marriage French 01/11/2014 Télécharger le PDF Afghanistan
DRC: Discrimination of Congolese of Rwandan origin French 01/11/2014 Télécharger le PDF Congo (Democratic Republic Of The)
Kosovo: Mode of action of Wahhabi associations French 01/10/2014 Télécharger le PDF Kosovo
Russia: La vendetta dans la société tchétchène French 01/10/2014 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Russia: Mandatory military service in Russia for Chechens French 01/10/2014 Télécharger le PDF Russia
Pakistan: Possibility of relocation in the country English 01/09/2014 Télécharger le PDF Pakistan
Albania: Bibliography on blood feuds related to Kanun French 01/06/2014 Télécharger le PDF Albania
Afghanistan: Conditions d'obtention du permis de conduire French 01/06/2014 Télécharger le PDF Afghanistan