Second Form Feedback (Impact of the report/Outcome of the case) Updates Thank you so much for filling out our first Feedback Form with questions about the quality of the report, we much appreciate it. In this second Feedback Form, we’d like to ask you a few quick questions about the outcome of the case.Case Reference NumberHave you obtained an outcome of the case for which you requested this report? Yes NoWhen do you expect to be informed of the outcome of the case? Disclaimer: please do not fill out the rest of this form now if you have not obtained an outcome yet. We will resend this form after the date you have indicated above.What was the ultimate outcome of the case?- Select -SuccessfulUnsuccessfulOtherWhat protection status was your client granted?- Select -Refugee statusSubsidiary protectionTemporary protectionHumanitarian protectionCancellation of previous decisionOtherDo you have reason to believe that this report influenced the decision of the court/authorities?- Select -YesNoI don't knowDid this report give you information you did not already have?- Select -YesNoOtherHow useful was this report in helping you prepare for your case? 1 (not useful) 2 3 4 5 (highly useful)How useful was this report in helping you understand the issues of your case? 1 (not useful) 2 3 4 5 (highly useful)Could you please explain why you believe this report did (not) influence the decision of the court/authorities?Have you shared this report with others?- Select -YesNoHow many people have you shared the report with?- Select -1-55-1010-15MoreHow did you use this report?- Select -I used it for my own preparation onlyI submitted excerpts of this report to the court/authoritiesOtherOtherDisclaimer: please note that our reports are not to be submitted to courts/authorities in their entirety.Do you have any further feedback you would like to share about this report?Please feel free to use this free text space to tell us about country information gaps you have encountered or any ideas you have on how we could improve our organisation or the services we provide.Submit Form